Vision Station 427

an official scenario for Enderain for 1-3 players/teams

As you take the money for the loot you got in Delta 6, you are quizzed in an unusual way. The endgame is they want you to go on a mission. It’s dangerous, but the reward is huge. 100G for every piece of valuable data you extract during an attack on Vision Station 427. Vision stations are the information and intelligence centers of the Vigilant. Tough to get into and heavily guarded. But you want the Vigilant gone. So you put it to your Team (and put out feelers for others to join you in this game for 1-3 players). As night falls, you move in. It’s simple. Blow the doors, get down the corridors to the data room, get as many panels hacked as you can, then get out…

This download is a for a free scenario from the Enderain team designed that challenges 1-3 Players/Teams to grab the crucial data and escape!

Download this scenario directly from the Enderain site here!

See this download, and more, at the Enderain site here!


by Enderain

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