Exemplary Battles: The Battle of Nyrcon City: Visions in the Flames

an official HH mission recreating the Alpha Legion's attack on the Salamanders at Nyrcon City

Driving deep into Nyrcon City, the Disciples of the Flame found themselves beset by Traitor forces. Any attempt to apply overwhelming force to a point in the enemy lines was thwarted as Alpha Legion units fought a harrying action, launching flanking assaults and destroying isolated units before fading away again. Surrounded and cut off from Loyalist reinforcement, the Disciples sought to break out of this trap, driving all before them with purging flame or else to destroy as many of the Traitors as they could before they were overwhelmed.

In this mission one player will be the Defender, representing the Disciples of the Flame forces coming under fire, and the other will be the Attacker, representing the Alpha Legion ambushers.

Download the scenario directly from Games Workshop here!

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by Games Workshop


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