AoS Scenario Breakdown

A table outlining official battleplans including source, description, type, scoring, & more!

This spreadsheet, painstakingly crafted by Narrative Labs contains a listing of more than 170 Age of Sigmar scenarios!  In it you’ll find which source book they came from, a short description of the scenario, as well as a table of scenario characteristics including

  • Scenario Type
    • Narrative
    • Open
    • Matched
    • Trimuph & Treachery
    • Gathering of Might
    • Coalition of Death
    • Darkest Depths
    • Siege
    • Streets of Death
    • Aerial
  • Scoring Approach
    • Kill The Most
    • Last Man Standing
    • Fixed Objectives
    • Arriving Objectives
    • Moving Objectives
    • Destroy Object
    • Ritual
    • Specific Units
    • Kill Neutral Unit
    • Escape
    • Terrain
    • Table Control
    • Chase
    • Search
    • Other
  • Other Factors
    • Ambush
    • Imbalanced Forces
    • Imbalanced Deployment
    • Not 6×4
    • Secret Objectives
    • In-game Rewards
    • Night Fighting
    • Multiple Battlefields
    • Scoring Changes Throughout
    • Neutral Models

Use it to find the perfect official scenario for your next game!

Download the most up-to-date version of this spreadsheet directly from the Narrative Labs Google Drive here!


by Narrative Labs

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