
a small scale Warmachine/Hordes format ideal for new players & quicker games

Brawlmachine is a 25 point format for Warmachine and Hordes developed by Line of Sight. It has a Field Allowance of 1, Custom Scenarios for the smaller game size, and a limited list of models that are not suitable for the format called the epic list. Terrain, scoring, game tiebreakers, and scenario elements are described in the Steamroller document, and are unchanged in Brawlmachine with the exception of Objectives. Like Steamroller, Objectives in Brawlmachine are large based, DEF 5, ARM 18, and have 15 health. Unlike Steamroller, Objectives in Brawlmachine do not have any abilities other than “Immobile” and “Objective”.

Read more about Brawlmachine and download the latest version at the authors’ site here!

See what Privateer Press has to say about Brawlmachine here!

Check out Line of Site podcast at their website and on Facebook!


by LoS_Chandler & LoS_Jaden @ Line of Sight

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